Tuesday, February 22, 2005

the day the quiz ended...

today is THE day when the quizzes ended..the day when life returned to normalcy..the day when i stopped mugging. the day when i can start making full use of the comp room(wooh!! have been waiting for this day for a long time...now that its here, i shall spare it to no extent)..the day when ..the day when..the day when so much changes happen that it feels as if the whole world has turned of its head(hmm..am i not going a bit too far in my post quiz enthu?). so what? anyway, its gonna be only another 2 weeks of peace before we get into mugging mode again. this cycle is too monotonous to be of any interest at all(no, i dont mean to say that the quizzes themselves are of any interest at all!!). now, time is at a premium more than during the quizzes i should say-its our responsibility to use(read as waste) in the best possible manner it till the next quiz comes round the corner.

but then life still has its roadblocks in the form of boring lectures, ED classes and workshops(yuck!! i hate the last two more than the first). they sometimes can really make you feel that you dont belong to this place(the fact being that there have been many many times when i wondered how i got here in the first place)...that its the abode of a higher class of people. its only the sight of fellow guys who are at the same level as you that brings some consolation to your mind(and the once-in-a-bluemoon sighting of someone who is worse than you makes you feel all the more comfortable). ED manual labs have absolutely no meaning in today's world according to me. what else can i say? you turn this side, that side, front, back, top, bottom-what you see is only that computers play a major role..and given that we have softwares like AutoCAD which simplify our drawing work, manual drawing has absolutely no meaning at all..there's almost nil percent chance that it will ever be used in place of the better and easier computer software. thats why i am getting pained over the fact that i am getting ulti give-up marks one assignment after the other in manual drawing.

as i sit in front of the computer at 2:30 in the morning of what is already the next day, i can only wait and wait till this semester ends so that i can get rid of ED and workshop once and for all in my life..its still some 80 odd days away. but i have already started the countdown and so, each day brings joy to me in a new way that no other person might possibly have got...good night now and tomorrow shall turn out better coz there's gonna be one less day in 2nd sem!!


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