Saturday, February 26, 2005

patience and the art of perfecting it

patience is a virtue-this age old saying holds true for sure anyday anywhere..and there are many many ways of increasing your patience-standing at a bus stop waiting for a bus, at the cafe waiting for your GF to come, waiting for the prof to finish the last hour lecture, waiting for that india pakistan final match to start and so on...but i just discovered that there's one other addition to the list-a very important one at that..and that the hostel comp room, waiting for one of those matach gults/8th wing junta to take their asses off the blue things with four legs(guess they are popularly known as chairs)..its awful waiting for these guys to finish their "job"-most of them matach guys hijack the comps for the whole day with the stupid reason that they are doing their project-now why the hell did the insti take the trouble to make lan avl in each in every room? that too these guys do this when they have whole DCFs ready at their disposal? i mean to say that its really unfair that they are wasting bandwidth, that too when it is being provided free. the others just come in, arbitly go to yahoo chat rooms, get bored soon enough, then sit refreshing the desktop over 10 times continuosly as if they gain per click like some sites claim(and for which more than half the surfers fall easy prey!!)

i feel that there should be rules against such spurious activites..they should be nipped in the bud. or else matters are bound to turn worse. all along, i was of the view that this was a blessing for us freshies but never ever imagined that it would be a blessing in disguise for these guys. i can only keep hoping that the state of affairs will change for the better in the coming days. that the next year brings in no more matachs and narmad joins the band of only hostels. "better days are ahead" is an oft repeated statement. lets see if this comes true in this case too.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

whats happening?

man, this is getting painful...more painful than fitting(er..fitting is no pain anymore..tomorrow will be my last class :) ) this is the 4th time i am trying to put up a blog today.everytime i have tried, there has been some problem or the other...

this is absolute madness-i am finishing up this blog 12 hrs after i started writing it yesterday night. it was strange since i have never seen blogger or firefox cup like they did yesterday. first, blogger took lots of time to open any link like the main site itself, the create new post link and then firefox kept cupping everytime i tried playing one particular song from raaga-one which i had been looking for a long long time and lo and behold, a google search for the song brought up the raaga link for the song. i should admit that raaga has all the rights to claim that it is THE biggest library of indian songs. only problem with it is the stupid ads that keep coming every now and then.

oops!! in the meantime, i have gone off to surfing(cha cha, i do stumbling , not surfing) and the time has come for me to go change into workshop attire and give one last visit to fitting workshop..

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

the day the quiz ended...

today is THE day when the quizzes ended..the day when life returned to normalcy..the day when i stopped mugging. the day when i can start making full use of the comp room(wooh!! have been waiting for this day for a long that its here, i shall spare it to no extent)..the day when ..the day when..the day when so much changes happen that it feels as if the whole world has turned of its head( i not going a bit too far in my post quiz enthu?). so what? anyway, its gonna be only another 2 weeks of peace before we get into mugging mode again. this cycle is too monotonous to be of any interest at all(no, i dont mean to say that the quizzes themselves are of any interest at all!!). now, time is at a premium more than during the quizzes i should say-its our responsibility to use(read as waste) in the best possible manner it till the next quiz comes round the corner.

but then life still has its roadblocks in the form of boring lectures, ED classes and workshops(yuck!! i hate the last two more than the first). they sometimes can really make you feel that you dont belong to this place(the fact being that there have been many many times when i wondered how i got here in the first place)...that its the abode of a higher class of people. its only the sight of fellow guys who are at the same level as you that brings some consolation to your mind(and the once-in-a-bluemoon sighting of someone who is worse than you makes you feel all the more comfortable). ED manual labs have absolutely no meaning in today's world according to me. what else can i say? you turn this side, that side, front, back, top, bottom-what you see is only that computers play a major role..and given that we have softwares like AutoCAD which simplify our drawing work, manual drawing has absolutely no meaning at all..there's almost nil percent chance that it will ever be used in place of the better and easier computer software. thats why i am getting pained over the fact that i am getting ulti give-up marks one assignment after the other in manual drawing.

as i sit in front of the computer at 2:30 in the morning of what is already the next day, i can only wait and wait till this semester ends so that i can get rid of ED and workshop once and for all in my life..its still some 80 odd days away. but i have already started the countdown and so, each day brings joy to me in a new way that no other person might possibly have got...good night now and tomorrow shall turn out better coz there's gonna be one less day in 2nd sem!!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

a new theory....

yesterday i was having a casual chat with my sister just after reaching home(first time i went home in 2 weeks)...the conversation we had was not of very great note but amongst the things she said, there was this theory she proposed(am sorry, this is not for those would-be einsteins looking for the next major breakthrough in ^*@!$% physics-she is no engineering graduate). it was quite an interesting one and had to do with the frequent interactions that a normal indian mother-in-law has with her daughter-in-law. the theory's origins are quite unnecessary at this point in time..

now enough of suspense..let me put forward the theory. the fact that mother-in-laws harass their daughter-in-laws is mainly because of their sons. the explanation being that the sons(rather males in general) are not very sensitive, emotional (bla bla bla) and so, do not show much affection towards their mother. as a result, the mother almost forgets what is meant by affection. but after the son gets married, he showers his affection like anything on his wife which obviously angers the mother. as she cant go against her own son, the obvious target would be the daughter-in-law...(nice theory na?)

this is one amongst the strangest theories i have come across, more stranger and more unexplainable than any of those theorems that MKJ keeps blurting out in our physics classes..this is just too radical a theory. a theory needs proof, concrete proof. but this has absolutely no backing to it.

one more thing i have realised is that my sister does have brains. she is no dumbo as i had thought her to be(hey sis, i know you will read this one day or the it and forget it :) ) there's no doubt that she's the best sister i ever had(ya i know its the usual line but hey, i have havent had any sisters other than her to say that she's the best...but dont we all say that our mother is the best mother? :) havent yet got the point? better forget it and go on with your work).

i have very little time on my hands today-have to go start mugging physics and chemistry or else i will cup majarly in the first quiz. so on till the next round of fart puts...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

quite arbit..

a small piece i took from one of my friends pages on stumble....

History of the middle finger

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating
victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all
captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be
impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they
would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous weapon was
made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the
longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluckyew").

Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset
and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the
defeated French, saying, "See, we can still pluck yew! "PLUCK YEW!"
Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant
cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodental
fricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the

It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with
the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as "giving the bird."

and yew thought yew knew everthing...(this pertains especially to bhaand whose page title says that the answer to everything lies in his blog).

now coming back to the core of the discussion, the point i want to make is that there are so many things in our lives that we use without caring about how it came into being, how it works and such stuff..This is not a very good thing, especially when we are talking about something which is used as often as you take in that breath of air..(well, almost..being an IITian, i cant refute that fact). It made quite an interesting read the first time i read it and since then, its been there at the back of my mind cropping up whenever i feel absolutely jobless in life with perfectly nothing else to ponder about..but dont mistake me, this doesn't mean that the importance i assign to it is equal to what leftit cares for taking bath(that happens once in a fortnight, even that is becoming quite rare..). its as important as anything else in my life, be it my friends, my studies(what?!? studies? important?? oops, sorry. that was a big blunder) and just about everything else. now the point i want to make is (there i go again...) that we should care for anything and everything we utilise/use/misuse in our life, take enough time out of our precious lives, put sufficient enthu and get to know all details about it..right from the toothbrush we use in the morning to the "good morning" we say to the grub we eat to .....i mean what's te point in just using something and not caring at all to know anything else about it when its of so much use to us.

after a lot of thought and self-contradiction, i have come to the conclusion that all this has to do with the pace at which this world is moving. its going just so fast. as my roomie cupax(i consider him to have the best fundaes on living life in my wing) puts it,
"what is this life? full of care, no time to stand and stare"
i have often wondered how true those words are.

i dont know if this topic has any ending at all. i have no option but to leave it hanging at this stage as of now-all because of that basic elec quiz at 8 tomorrow. let me tell you thing before i depart-its the worest feeling to wake up in the morning and then, you have to write a test first up in the morning..but cant help it- i am not the diro here....

Monday, February 14, 2005

yet another day gone...wasted? maybe

the day was quite uneventful to say the least...not much of interesting classes and that coupled with the lure of the comp room made me bunk that stupid basic elec class and half of physics class..the mere mention of physics class brings to my mind last friday's was in the first hour but with no enthu to get up, i woke up late as usual and thought "pack that physics class da...who cares for one day's attendance?"..then some enthu overcame me and i decided that i will try getting attendance by attending the last few dying moments of the lecture so that i will be in time for the attendance, a custom we have started using quite effectively to get attendance while not attending the lectures-this being made possible due to the prof's utmost attention paid to suba(thats the way i spell his name though its meant o be pseud+buddha=pseuba) and to absolutely no one else because of the simple reason that he is the only one who listens to whatever fart he puts in class...and so, we have the freedom to happily sneak in during the last few minutes of the class and get away with attendance!! a ton of thanks to suba for this invaluable help of his...

now coming to what happened on friday, the turn of events was quite interesting and highly good for me..the exact sequence of events is as follows-i left the hostel at 8:45 hoping to be in time for attendance. then what met my eyes as i walked down the CRC ground floor corridor(the class was taking place in 103), i saw junta streaming out of 103 as if water flowing out of the tap(when water is there in the pipes, of course)..i dint know what to do now that the class was over. just then MKJ(our phy prof) came out carrying some bundle of papers and the most important attendance book. i decided that i will go ahead and give it a try. anima was enquiring about his attendance when i went near him. i summoned all my courage and with the most casual tone, as if nothing had taken place at all, told him that i forgot to give attendance in class, i dont remember what reason(ob, a dumb one at that) i gave him-wait a minute..did i give him any reason at all??!? :) and lo and behold, he unfolded the attendance book, i told him my roll no and there he strucj out the A against my name for the day..phew, job done. that was a great feat!! and now, this experience has taught me 2 important things
1)that MKJ is the duddest prof i have ever studied under(but the fact is that i am not even one year into college and so, there aint many profs i have studied under)


2)hope for the best and thy shall be suitably rewarded..

the moral of the story-"get up late, go late to class, get attendance one way or the other and enjoy life to the hilt!!"

Sunday, February 13, 2005


i dont know what to blog about but still, as per custom, i shall go on and blog...after all, i cant break the resolution that i made only yesterday... To blog daily on a regular basis-there aren't many other things i do on a daily basis after all.

now what do i blog about? well, simply put, my brain is like that vast empty sky over our heads that extends from minus infinity to plus infinity-thats one of the most frequently uttered obscenities, as i like to call it, by my physics prof. i just dont know what i am goin to write about(as if i know what i am writing!!)

from the song i am listenin to right now, Someday Someway by MLTR(they are one amongst my fav bands), i have decided that there is no way that i will get something to write about and so i better go mug Del Toro(nice name i should say)-basic elec quiz is coming up on wednesday and i have no clue what i am gonna do..maybe, i will come back later today and edit this post......

Saturday, February 12, 2005

The dawn of a new era...

Change is the only thing that is!! what a statement..i guess i can call it an oxymoron...i had a blog once upon a time but jus like everything else, all things bright and beautiful must come to an end i guess and thats exactly what happened to it just died away...and so here i am-with a new address on this world wide web, www as it is fondly called and the internet as i call it. i hope to be able to keep up with the pace with which the world turns round on its head, shit-my 8th geography teacher will screw me for this, on its axis which is tilted at some bla-bla angle to the vertical and so we have seasons and so on and, that was the worest thing i ever mugged in my life.

coming to seasons, the song that comes to mind is "seasons in the sun" by decent song by a decent group. but then every other idiot i meet says the group is crap and i have even stumbled across sites that say the same stuff...i cant stand it anymore..when i play any westlife song in the new pseud hostel comp room, every other face turns to look at me as if saying "are you from gult land or what?" including that bloody gult playing that shitty gult song...i will have my revenge one day or the other on all these idiots...

ahh...hostel comp room...what an innovation in the history of IITM-the CRC building pales in comparison to it. its the best thing thats happened since i have arrived here...1GB RAM, 3.2 GHz, 40GB, DVD Drive, CD Writer, Flatscreen...what more can i ask for? ya, i asked for free internet and lo and behold, i got it done. (hehe..) i am ready to vacate my room and stay all day long here jus leave it for grub and other essentialities-should i explicitly state them?(and i have changed my opinion about bathing after coming to IIT-its no more among the essential things)

quizzes are coming up next week..the first one this sem. and they are turning into a real real MAHAPITHA..what do i mean by turning? they have always been one except for max-muggus like my stupid roomie, rohit aka 27 aka semen..oh, ya whats my name? its Gigolo and that explains "The G", if you havent figured it out by now. funda? no fundas here..only fart, and thats why this is "The Fart Lair", back to quizzes. whats the point i say? we mug something, go and write something in some sheet of white paper for one hour and then wait for the results to come as if our whole lives depend on it..the concept is just too poor. i am trying hard wracking my brains to find an alternative for it, if not a suitable one..lets see if i can come up with anything worthwhile.

i guess i can go on putting fart like this(what? you dint think this was fart? great!! mail me and we shall become friends.)

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