patience and the art of perfecting it
patience is a virtue-this age old saying holds true for sure anyday anywhere..and there are many many ways of increasing your patience-standing at a bus stop waiting for a bus, at the cafe waiting for your GF to come, waiting for the prof to finish the last hour lecture, waiting for that india pakistan final match to start and so on...but i just discovered that there's one other addition to the list-a very important one at that..and that the hostel comp room, waiting for one of those matach gults/8th wing junta to take their asses off the blue things with four legs(guess they are popularly known as chairs)..its awful waiting for these guys to finish their "job"-most of them matach guys hijack the comps for the whole day with the stupid reason that they are doing their project-now why the hell did the insti take the trouble to make lan avl in each in every room? that too these guys do this when they have whole DCFs ready at their disposal? i mean to say that its really unfair that they are wasting bandwidth, that too when it is being provided free. the others just come in, arbitly go to yahoo chat rooms, get bored soon enough, then sit refreshing the desktop over 10 times continuosly as if they gain per click like some sites claim(and for which more than half the surfers fall easy prey!!)
i feel that there should be rules against such spurious activites..they should be nipped in the bud. or else matters are bound to turn worse. all along, i was of the view that this was a blessing for us freshies but never ever imagined that it would be a blessing in disguise for these guys. i can only keep hoping that the state of affairs will change for the better in the coming days. that the next year brings in no more matachs and narmad joins the band of only hostels. "better days are ahead" is an oft repeated statement. lets see if this comes true in this case too.