Friday, March 18, 2005

not living up to my name..

today, as always, i was just seeing the SU's reviews page of my blog(yup, this one) caught my notice that someone had indeed taken the time to write a review for my blog.that person was hapinachu, a 17 yr old from the US of America(now, isn't that way of sayin USA funny!!)...but the point is that she has brought to my notice that i no longer am giving the attention befitting my blog-after all, its me who describes it as Fart, fart and more fart...daily updated.. but the frequency of my posts is far far away from that description. the last 3 posts have come over a period of about 2-3 weeks or so. and its because of this that i decided that its time that my blog needs me more than anyone else to survive in this fast paced world..(yay!! i am back in form, i guess..thats fart of the highest quality)

now for some updates on the hostel comp room...a landmark decision was taken(finally!!) to stop using windows on all comps and wholeheartedly switch over to Fedora Core2 from now on...a really good decision i should say but the thing is that its come a little too late-people are so accustomed to Windows(sh*t, does it deserve that capital W?!?)media player and netscan and a yahoo messenger that keeps belting out audibles as if thats what its meant to be-one guy keeps sending that one eyed stone-age guy saying...(do i need to say what it says? haven't you used it often enough to recognise it by now?) and the most important thing, appearing offline to one GF while chatting away for hours together with another and so on...none of this is going to be possible in the linux version of Y! Messenger that he is forced to use from now on. wouldn't that be a rude shock? and also, a comp has been stripped of its net connectivity and is to be dedicated solely to academic purposes-that is the most ridiculous thing i have heard of!! wtf man? no movies, no games but a comp dedicated to acads!! this is unjustifiable especially in the situation that exists in the institute-each person gets a room of his own with its own net connection(24 X 7,100MBPS LAN), not to forget the big DCFs that exist for each department with around 100 comps. the decision is deplorable and unexplainable. but then, i am just a student after all.

PS:i may need to install stuff on the linux comps but the comp room sec has changed the blooody root pw and i am finding no good means of getting to know it. doin it on windows was much easier-as always, windows has many doors of oppurtunity left open!! if any of you can help, i would be very thankful :)


Anonymous Anonymous's thoughts...

Linux Rocks...

Windows Sucks...

4:07 AM  

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